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The Year in Review

As 2020 comes to a close, we’ve curated LL Global’s most pertinent and popular content, research, courses, and solutions to help you look back on the year we were all in this together—just not together together.

Professional Development: Short, Facilitated, Virtual Sessions Expand Knowledge

Insurance Research: 2020 Insurance Barometer

Distribution Research: New Expectations: The LIMRA-EY Future of Wholesaling

Retirement Research: Defined Contribution (DC) Advisor Views Series

Workplace Benefits Research: How Can We Help You: The Voluntary Benefits Series

COVID-19 Research: The COVID-19 Effect: High Tech With Human Touch to Optimize Life Insurance Customer Experience

Featured Publication: MarketFacts

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Looking Back

This has been an extraordinary year. Every country, every company, and every individual has been touched by the global pandemic in some way.

At LL Global (LIMRA/LOMA/SRI), we moved fast to support our members where they needed the most help. Here is the video that debuted at our 2020 LIMRA Annual Conference highlighting some of our work.


Taking On More Challenges

LL Global is working on a number of initiatives to support our members in the days and months and year ahead. Here are some insights on the work underway.

Employee Success

Working closely with Aon, we are developing a RemotePROductivity Toolkit that can help every member improve employee welfare, sustainability, and productivity for their remote workforce. 

The three-part toolkit will provide resources to our member companies as they continue to adapt to the pandemic-induced virtual work environment. A key feature of the toolkit is the benchmarking data that will allow companies to track progress over time within their organization and among industry peers. For example, companies can evaluate how their employees compare to another’s in terms of critical virtual skills like focus, adaptability, and collaboration.

The first tool, Employee Assessment, is coming in the next few weeks!

Addressing the Life Insurance Coverage Gap

We have partnered with the our peer trades — ACLI, Life Happens, FINSECA, NAIFA, NAILBA, and MDRT — to work in coordination with our members to address the estimated 60 million households that do not have insurance or do not have enough coverage. 

We have representation from over 40 carriers on the individual and group carrier side to help drive this work. This is complemented by working groups of independent distribution firms, broker/dealers, and agents/brokers/advisors.

Helping Our Industry With Financial Wellness

Our wellness work continues. The group developed a common industry definition of financial wellness: Being confident in your financial situation and able to both withstand unexpected expenses and enjoy a financially secure future. This definition was used to measure consumers’ perceptions, and about 40 percent of the consumers we surveyed subjectively felt “well” — a higher number than we’ve seen in other studies. Our next step is to gather feedback from intermediaries on their perceptions of consumers’ financial wellness.

Dave Levenson — 2020 Annual Conference Presentation

LIMRA CEO David Levenson opened the 2020 LIMRA Annual Conference describing the incredible upheaval the nation has faced over the past several months. From the coronavirus pandemic and its economic and social fallout to the racial tensions and divisive politics, Dave described a year of unprecedented challenges. Despite this chaos, he suggested this moment offers the life insurance industry a unique opportunity to reach a broader segment of consumers and fulfill its mission to help more Americans protect their families’ future with life insurance.


Insurance Research

Professional Development

LOMA Designations Available Without a Proctored Exam!

This year, several courses were updated to an e-book format with a self-proctored exam option. Now, the prestigious Fellow, Life Management Institute (FLMI) and Fellow, Secure Retirement Institute (FSRI) programs can be completed with a self-proctored exam option! Details.

Learning Live

To better serve our members in an all-remote work environment, we created the new Learning Live Series. Each virtual session covers a subject specific to the life insurance and financial services industry. Expert instructors explain key concepts and answer questions while interactive discussions clarify understanding. Registration for 2021 sessions is now open! Details.

Learners Engaged With Expert Instructors — Virtually!

Virtual Insurance Immersion helped to build a solid foundation for 225 new employees and rising leaders in 2020. The program provides a holistic view of the insurance industry, life and annuity products, key operational areas, and how insurers make money. We're already planning for 2021 — join us for Virtual Immersion April 20 – 23, 2021. Details and register

Distribution Research

On Demand Webinars

Pandemics and Predictions


The global economy and pandemic are transforming the life insurance industry. Both have accelerated existing trends and created new opportunities.

The Future of Wholesaling


This joint webinar by LIMRA and EY features results from New Expectations: The LIMRA-EY Future of Wholesaling study.

Tips for Success in Social Media and Financial Advice

This webinar profiles the market for financial advice and the use of social media among those seeking an advisor.

Financial Wellness in the Time of COVID-19

The growth of — and need for — wellness programs has been increasing for years. The financial, mental, and economic stress created by the recent COVID-19 pandemic and its economic repercussions will only increase this need.

COVID-19 & Employer Approaches to Workplace Benefits

The COVID-19 pandemic is disrupting the U.S. business market and has the potential to substantially impact the workplace benefits industry.


The Story of Us

Over 1200 financial services companies in 71 countries rely on LIMRA and LOMA’s research and educational solutions as the trusted source of industry knowledge to help them make bottom-line decisions with greater confidence. Companies look to us for our unique ability to help them understand their customers, markets, distribution channels, and competitors to give them leverage on developing realistic business solutions.

Retirement Research


Bringing the industry together to create solutions to solve your biggest challenges.


The neighborhood watch for financial services enables companies to defend against account takeover (ATO) schemes with easy, secure, real-time access to incident and threat indicator data with real-time email alerts.

Trustworthy Selling

Effectively train and retain your sales professionals to increase their productivity and success in the industry.

LIMRA Data Exchange (LDEx) Standards

Making the process faster with standards. The LIMRA Data Exchange (LDEx) Standards are for insurance carriers and benefits administration technology companies looking to reduce errors, improve customer experience, and increase speed to market.

Customer Experience Benchmarking Program for Life Insurance

Optimize customer experience for the uniqueness of life insurance.

Compliance Education Platform

Satisfy all your compliance needs in one place.


Season's Greetings

Best wishes from LIMRA and LOMA.

Workplace Benefits Research

Featured Publications

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