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2016 亞洲營銷大會


2016年11月17日 - 2016年11月18日
皇家蘭花喜來登酒店, 曼谷, 泰國





Eric TianEric Tian 先生
Nice (Instagram中國部)市場總監

尊敬的行銷主管Eric Tian先生最近加入了Nice,負責市場行銷,公關,銷售和貿易。Nice是中國最受歡迎的圖片社交應用公司。 這之前,Tian先生在微信(WeChat)領導並創造了輝煌的行銷業績,建立了令人矚目的合作夥伴關係,包括NBA、LinkedIn、可口可樂、eBay、香奈兒(Chanel)、思科(Cisco)、和中國中央電視臺的農曆新年晚會。 Tian先生也曾在耐克(Nike)工作,在那裡他領導創立了其公司的籃球、喬丹(Jordan)、集訓品牌系列。 他的職業生涯起步于北京的李寧體育用品公司,曾經被該公司任命為駐美國波特蘭的高級產品經理。




• 吸引跨世紀的年輕客戶
• 建立和擴大獨立代理人分銷管道
• 強化營業部總經銷
• 培養頂級的銷售經理
• 利用社交媒體提高銷售業績
• 銀行保險合作模式的成功典範
• 擁抱數位時代
• 僅舉上述幾例!




Chief Executive Officer 

Chief Executive Officer 

Scott is a passionate banking innovator with a love of helping people gain better access to their money and the tools to manage it. Along with Movenbank founder Brett King, Scott is challenging the entrenched paradigms of banking with disruptive new mobile services aimed at consumers and emerging markets. He ties the modern trends of social media and mobile services with the age-old business of banking with ease. Scott is a charismatic and knowledgeable speaker, unafraid to challenge the existing financial services industry and banking start-ups alike, and holds the rare gift of possessing technological insight and an understanding of the consumer mindset. He has presented keynote addresses throughout the world and was listed in the OboPay Influencers Report as the number one influencer on Twitter for Mobile Commerce, Mobile Banking, Mobile Payments & Mobile Money.
  • 2016年11月17日

    3:45 p.m. - 5:00 p.m.: 執行委員會:提高顧問素質和生產力


Baloch先生是Marlin Hawk獵頭公司的合夥人和領導能力專家。 他的業務專長集中於亞太地區的金融服務業和保險業。 他還負責其獵頭公司的全球業務,在全球所有的地區提供高品質的客戶體驗。 Baloch先生來自德國,但他的獵頭經歷遍佈全球,包括德國、中東歐、和亞洲。 他曾經在東京、新加坡、和香港設立總部,為整個亞太地區提供變革時代的高級管理人才,實現高績效的領導。 他發現的高級人才在跨職能領導方面擁有良好的記錄,Baloch先生對未來數字化轉型的領導能力特別關注
Chief Executive Officer, Group Agency Distribution
  • 2016年11月17日

    3:45 p.m. - 5:00 p.m.: 執行委員會:提高顧問素質和生產力

Chief Executive Officer, Group Agency Distribution

Joe Cheng leads AIA Group’s agency distribution system. He formulates the overall strategy that delivers on short- and long-term business objectives. During his 28 years with AIA, Joe has held a number of important roles including General Manager for Macau, General Manager for Shenzhen, and Chief Agency Officer for AIA Hong Kong. Over the past five years, Joe has very successfully led the Premier Agency transformation for AIA Hong Kong and Macau with the launch of AIA Premier Academy, Gen Y Club, and the Revitalisation Programme. These programs have elevated recruitment quality, sales activity, and productivity — and significantly increased the number of MDRT qualifiers. Joe holds a B.A. in Industrial Relations and Economics from The University of Kent at Canterbury, UK. His commitment to others’ success includes acting as a business volunteer in Junior Achievement Hong Kong.
Head of AIA Vitality
  • 2016年11月18日

    9:00 a.m. - 9:45 a.m.: Wellness Trends, Customer Engagement, and Shared Value


Head of AIA Vitality

Terry Cummings has over 20 years of international life insurance experience covering Asia, the Middle East, Europe, and North America. He has held senior management positions including Chief Operations Officer, Chief Marketing Officer, and Chief Actuary with major multinational life insurers and consulting firms. Terry’s areas of practice include product development, distribution, marketing, operational efficiency, financial reporting, mergers, acquisitions, and distribution agreements.

 Regional Director, Agency & Broker Distribution, Asia 

  • 2016年11月17日

    10:30 a.m. - 11:15 a.m.: 從基礎開始建立營業部


 Regional Director, Agency & Broker Distribution, Asia 

James DeLong has a broad range of leadership experiences in all aspects of insurance distribution, marketing, product development, and financial P&L management. This includes direct experience restructuring agency distribution and other channels, corporate business consulting, and training and development. He has held a variety of senior positions in life, retirement, and general insurance operating companies within Asia and the U.S., including Chief Commercial Officer for AIG New Zealand; Regional Director of Group & Employee Benefits, Individual Medical & Credit Life, for AIG; and Vice President, Financial Securities & Insurance Distribution, for Allstate Insurance Company. Based in Asia since 2002, James has led and developed distribution channels in numerous countries throughout the region.
  • 2016年11月18日

    9:45 a.m. - 10:30 a.m.: 把握未來:保險規範


Jonathan Goacher leads the corporate insurance practice in Asia for DWF LLP, an award-wining legal business with 27 offices across four continents and 2,800+ staff. He has over fifteen years of experience at leading international law firms, advising life and non-life insurers & reinsurers, insurance brokerages & agents, loss adjusters and other insurance organizations on how to start and conduct business in Asia. His practice deals with matters such as business establishment, joint ventures, public and private mergers & acquisitions, complex corporate reorganizations, capital and solvency requirements, portfolio transfers, reinsurance, currency controls, sanctions and regulation of cross-border insurance business. Jonathan began his legal career in the United Kingdom and he is also a licensed attorney in New York.
Head of Delivery & Services

Head of Delivery & Services

John Huynh heads the Delivery and Services team for EAB Systems, a leading enterprise software company in the Asia Pacific. He and his team help companies accelerate product introductions to markets, enhance distribution capabilities, and automate administration processes. For the past decade, John has focused on business process improvements and system solution implementations for the life insurance industry. He leads business analyses and feasibility studies for large enterprise resource planning (ERP) projects that integrate applications, improve business management, and automate back office functions. He has held senior business analyst, project management, and consulting roles for CLDS, Ageas, AXA, IBM, PwC, Zurich Financial, and Suncorp.
  • 2016年11月17日

    3:45 p.m. - 5:00 p.m.: 執行委員會:提高顧問素質和生產力



Andy領導著一個全球最大的壽險和金融服務業的培訓及績效發展中心, 幫助LIMRA 的會員公司正確評估當前形勢,制定戰略對策,推動不同國家、層面的多種個險及保險運營措施和策略設計、規劃構想和執行。作為一個國際化的資深壽險專業人士,他在壽險公司成長戰略、營業部產能提升、公司的盈利能力增加等方面都有著豐富的實戰經驗。在2010年加盟LIMRA之前,Andy在AIG 公司紐約總部擔任負責全球個險一線管理人員培訓的副總裁。其間開創了一系列關鍵性的個險措施和戰略,在50多個國家大幅度提升了代理人和營業部經理的產能和績效。 Andy在四個不同國家居住並工作過,這使他在AIG以及其子公司AIA亞洲區和美國本部任職期間發揮了卓越超群的領導力並積累了培養多元文化團隊的豐富經驗。
, MBA, MSc
Regional Director, Digital Strategy and Solutions, Asia
  • 2016年11月17日

    1:30 p.m. - 2:15 p.m.: 成功的全方位渠道銷售方法

, MBA, MSc

Regional Director, Digital Strategy and Solutions, Asia

Valer Merenyi is a seasoned digital business builder and financial services executive with 20 years of experience in strategic projects and programs in retail banking, corporate banking, and insurance. He has held a number of senior positions in financial services and consulting companies across Asia and Europe, often with a significant responsibility for IT and/or change initiatives. Over the past few years Valer has led the front office transformation program of a UK bank's international wealth business, built a robo-adviser proposition for a German direct bank, and initiated and ran the Intelligent Assistant program of a Dutch retail bank. Back in Asia since May 2016, Valer is leading Ageas' digital efforts across various channels and 7 countries.
Executive Director, Regional Bancassurance

Executive Director, Regional Bancassurance

Fabian Ng recently joined DBS Group to lead all General Insurance distribution channels for Singapore, Hong Kong, Indonesia, China, India, and Taiwan. He is focused on bringing in new technologies and lead allocation models to improve productivity. Fabian’s long career in insurance and financial services began with AIA Singapore and has included senior leadership roles with AIG, its subsidiaries AIA and ALICO, Ernst & Young, Great Eastern Life, ReMark Asia Pacific, and UOB Bank. At these companies, he has led successful distribution channel startups and greatly expanded sales through existing channels, including agency, bancassurance, direct, and worksite.
CEO, RGA Korea and CMO, Asia
  • 2016年11月17日

    3:45 p.m. - 5:00 p.m.: 執行委員會:提高顧問素質和生產力

CEO, RGA Korea and CMO, Asia

Michael Shin is Chief Executive Officer of RGA Reinsurance Company Korea Branch (RGA Korea), with executive oversight of all business activities in Korea. He also serves as Chief Marketing Officer, Asia, with responsibility for RGA’s Asia Pacific region. His insurance industry experience spans nearly three decades. Prior to joining RGA, he served as Executive Vice President and Chief Marketing and Distribution Officer of New York Life Korea (now ACE Life), where his responsibilities included agency distribution, marketing, product design, and oversight of Corporate Communications. He was also with Samsung Life Insurance South Korea, where he was Corporate Vice President, Channel Strategy and Planning, and Senior Vice President and Chief of Advisors and the Financial Planning Center. Earlier, Michael spent more than 15 years with Prudential Financial Insurance, where he was Managing Director for the Asian market in the United States.
FinTech Thought Leader
Spokesperson, IBM Risk and Investment Analytics

FinTech Thought Leader
Spokesperson, IBM Risk and Investment Analytics

Paolo Sironi is a recognized author of portfolio management and financial innovation. In his current role he links strategic innovation in Finance and Technology, demonstrating international expertise in Wealth and Asset Management, Risk Management, Trading and Technology. A pioneer in understanding the practical implications of AI and FinTech digitalization to manage institutional risks and personal wealth, he founded a FinTech joint-venture (2008) to integrate investment management and Goal Based Investing principles. The company became a part of IBM (2012) following the acquisition of funding partner Algorithmics, a world leader of risk management architectures. Paolo has a decade-long quantitative expertise; he was previously head of market and counterparty risk modeling at Banca Intesa Sanpaolo. Author of “FinTech Innovation: from Robo-Advisors to Goal Based Investing and Gamification”, “Modern Portfolio Management: From Markowitz to Probabilistic Scenario Optimisation”, and co-author of “The FinTech Book”. Paolo’s posts can be read on LinkedIn, Twitter @thepsironi or his personal website
Managing Director, APAC
  • 2016年11月18日

    11:00 a.m. - 12:30 p.m.: The Digital Advisor Journey

Managing Director, APAC

Jason is responsible for Hearsay Social’s business across Asia-Pacific where he serves the fast-growing and diverse needs of customers in the region. Jason was an early member of Hearsay Social’s Customer Success team, where he led the growth and scaling of the team globally. He also drove some of Hearsay Social’s largest deployments in partnership with its clients. Prior to joining Hearsay Social, Jason spent four years in’s Customer Success organization working with clients spanning the mid-market to the Fortune 500. His background includes financial services at Royal Bank of Canada and entrepreneurial work as the co-founder of a successful online media startup in 2006. Jason is an Honours Bachelor of Commerce graduate from Queen’s University in Kingston, Ontario.
Hugh Terry
Founder and Editor, The Digital Insurer
  • 2016年11月18日

    11:00 a.m. - 12:30 p.m.: The Digital Advisor Journey

Hugh Terry

Founder and Editor, The Digital Insurer

Hugh is an experienced insurance professional with more than 20 years’ experience in the Asia Pacific region covering insurance companies and providing business consulting. Hugh is an actuary by profession. The Digital Insurer,, is an online forum for professionals interested in the application and impact of technology on insurance business models. The forum contains strategic articles and case studies to help people in the insurance industry plan how to use digital technology and digital thinking in their own businesses. Hugh’s personal business objective is to help insurance companies create and execute innovative business development strategies. Central to this is anticipating and leveraging digital technologies that will have a profound impact on existing business models and open up new opportunities.
Nice (Instagram中國部)市場總監

Nice (Instagram中國部)市場總監

尊敬的行銷主管Eric Tian先生最近加入了Nice,負責市場行銷,公關,銷售和貿易。Nice是中國最受歡迎的圖片社交應用公司。 這之前,Tian先生在微信(WeChat)領導並創造了輝煌的行銷業績,建立了令人矚目的合作夥伴關係,包括NBA、LinkedIn、可口可樂、eBay、香奈兒(Chanel)、思科(Cisco)、和中國中央電視臺的農曆新年晚會。 Tian先生也曾在耐克(Nike)工作,在那裡他領導創立了其公司的籃球、喬丹(Jordan)、集訓品牌系列。 他的職業生涯起步于北京的李寧體育用品公司,曾經被該公司任命為駐美國波特蘭的高級產品經理。
Co-Founder and Executive Director

Co-Founder and Executive Director

Over 2+ decades of experience in Insurance domain across Asia, his expertise lies in successfully engaging with Insurers for their distribution transformation programs and digital initiatives. In recent years, he has championed various initiatives with the leading global insurers in Asia for Digital Distribution and Core Operational Process Transformations.
He has an engineering degree and is a post-graduate in management (Marketing).
As one of the Co-founder & Executive Directors of C2L BIZ, he is responsible for Sales & Marketing, Business Growth and Managing Customer Relationships. He is a speaker and thought leader in various industry fora and summits.





Senior District Director
  • 2016年11月17日

    11:15 a.m. - 12:00 p.m.: 培養頂級代理經理

Senior District Director

Marcus Wong has been a financial planner for AIA since 1997. He has won numerous management awards from GAMA including their prestigious Frontline Leader Award, International Management Award, Best Growth Award, and Master Agency Award. He is a life member of MDRT and a founder and Team Builder of a “Round Table Family”, with 4 districts, 300 agents, and an average of 30 Million US Dollars FYP per year.



Thank you for your interest in the LIMRA and LOMA Asia Distribution Conference. Due to high demand, we have run out of seats for the conference. Registration is now closed.

We look forward to seeing you at future conferences. Please contact Ms. Megan Schwartz if you have any questions at

Cancellation Policy 

All cancellations and refund requests must be received in writing. These requests carry a $100.00 U.S. administrative charge. Full refunds minus the administrative fee will be granted on written requests received no later than ten business days before the meeting. No refunds will be granted if the request is received within ten business days of the meeting. If for any reason a meeting is cancelled, the Conference Organizers will refund the total registration fee. However, the Conference Organizers will not be responsible for any travel, hotel accommodations or other costs incurred. Cancellation requests should be submitted to

酒店 / 地點

2 Charoen Krung Road
Soi 30 Captain Bush Lane, Siphaya, Bangkok
Bangkok 10500 Thailand
電話:+66 (2) 266 0123


  • 豪華江景房 - THB5200泰銖(單人)/ THB5800泰銖(雙人間)
  • 俱樂部行政間 - THB7700泰銖(單人)/ THB8700泰銖(雙人間)



  • 每天的自助早餐
  • 江景房的美景
  • 在客房的高速上網(4台設備同時上網)
  • 免費的迎賓飲料
  • 客房的迎賓水果和免費迎賓瓶裝飲用水
  • 客房的免費咖啡、免費茶
  • 免費使用桑拿浴室和高科技健身設施
  • 入住時間為下午15:00點,退房時間為中午12:00點。




部分與會者可能需要簽證方可進入泰國。安排行程前,您應聯絡您所在地的泰國大使館或領事館,以便取得最新資訊。簽證邀請函僅發放給已付費報名的與會者。如需邀請函,請聯絡 LIMRA 的 Megan Schwartz 女士,電子郵件:

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Sponsors and Exhibitors


Media Partners

聯絡 LIMRA 瞭解詳情:

Ms. Trish Sasso, BS, MLS

International Conference Coordinator