Tomando el pulso a los consumidores de todo el mundo.
Related Research
2020 Insurance Barometer Study
The Insurance Barometer is an annual study that tracks the perceptions, attitudes, and behaviors of adult consumers in the United States. The study objectives are to measure financial concern among American consumers and relate these findings to financial behaviors, with a particular focus on life insurance. (Tech report added Sept. 2020.)
- Sumario de Investigaciones
- Canales de Distribución
- Bancos y Bancaseguros
- Corredor-Intermediario de Servicios Integrales
- Corredor-Intermediario Independiente
- Asesor de Inversiones Registrado (RIA/IAR)
- Desarrollo de Agencias
- Agencia Exclusiva de Cartera Completa (MLEA)
- Agencia o Corretaje Independientes
- Redes de Distribución Independientes (BGA/IMO)
- Directo al Consumidor
- Consumidor
- Experiencia del Cliente
- Generaciones
- Mercados Multiculturales
- Mercados de Alto Valor Adquisitivo
- Mujeres
- Seguro Individual
- Jubilación
- Jubilados y Personas Próximas a Jubilarse
- Productos de Seguros
- Seguro por Incapacidad
- Seguro de Vida
- Seguro de Cuidado a Largo Plazo
- Anualidades
Pulso de los Seguros y Preocupaciones Financieras
We surveyed more than 1,000 financial decision makers and consumers between the ages of 18 and 70 in Argentina in the summer of 2019.
The Future Is Now: Workplace Benefits Distribution Amid a Changing Landscape
This whitepaper explores the current state and future direction of workplace distribution through the perspectives of multiple stakeholders (carriers, brokers, and technology providers).
- Sumario de Investigaciones
- Canales de Distribución
- Empleador
- Organizaciones sin Fines de Lucro
- Empleadores Privados
- Pequeñas Empresas
- Beneficios Corporativos
- Voluntario o 100 % a Cargo del Empleado
- Tecnología
- Análisis
- FinTech e InsurTech
- Gestión de la Distribución
- Compensaciones
- Gestión de Gastos de Campo
U.S. Monthly Individual Life Sales
Get the latest monthly individual life sales and application trends. New November 2024 data.
2024 Retirement Investors: Behaviors, Attitudes, and Financial Situations
LIMRA’s Retirement Investors Survey tracks the perceptions, attitudes, behaviors, and financial condition of retirees and non-retired workers in the United States. New - Impact of Financial Professionals on Retirement Security, Third Edition, and The Modern Retiree infographic.