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2015 Social Media Conference for Financial Services

Social Media to Social Business

8/19/2015 - 8/21/2015
Hyatt Regency San Francisco, San Francisco, CA USA


Who Attends

Executives and their teams in Marketing, e-Marketing, Sales, Distribution, Compliance, IT, and Operations


The theme of the 6th annual LIMRA LOMA Social Media Conference for Financial Services (#LLSMC) is Social Media to Social Business.

We’ve come a long way since the beginning of this conference in 2010. It’s not enough to understand that we need to be using social media tools. We need to drill down into best practices and strategies, and expand our thinking to create the out-of-the-box ideas that will make those tools work for us, in all areas of business.

#LLSMC brings together social media leaders from the financial services industry with other experts from inside and outside our industry to put you at the center of that conversation. This year, the conference moves to the west coast – San Francisco – a hub of thought leadership in social media and technology.

At #LLSMC 2015, you’ll…

  • Hear dynamic speakers from inside and outside of financial services
  • Meet and exchange ideas with the professionals who are directing and doing social media in some of the biggest financial services companies in the US and around the world
  • Look into the future with emerging technologies
  • Hear about what works and what doesn't from current and past winners of the #SilverBowlAwards
  • Learn strategies and best practices for using social tools to recruit
  • Understand what customers look for, and expect on social media
  • Learn why Compliance can be the most important part of your social media team
  • Take away ideas for engaging your audience in new ways and with new tools
  • And more!

In addition, you can…

  • Hack! Join in our version of a hackathon, engaging in a highly interactive pre-conference session to work toward creating solutions for common industry problems
  • Be followed! Become an expert at live-tweeting and learn how to tap into the thought leadership found in the  conference backchannel  with hands-on training
  • Go viral! Create an image for our #1meme2rule contest, make and share an #LLSMC Spotify Playlist, Tweet-Up to join colleagues for an evening exploring San Francisco, and be a part of the conversation beyond the conference

Register today and join in the pre-conference conversation by following the hashtags:





Registration Fees:

Early Registration Fee: By July 24, 2015
LIMRA/LOMA Member: $1,145
Nonmember: $1,645

After July 24, 2015
LIMRA/LOMA Member: $1,295
Nonmember: $1,795

Refund Policy: All cancellations and refund requests must be received in writing. These requests carry a $100.00 U.S. administrative charge. Full refunds minus the administrative fee will be granted on written requests received no later than ten business days before the meeting. No refunds will be granted if the request is received within ten business days of the meeting. If for any reason a meeting is cancelled, the Conference Organizers will refund the total registration fee. However, the Conference Organizers will not be responsible for any travel, hotel accommodations or other costs incurred. Cancellation requests should be submitted to

Hotel / Venue

Hyatt Regency San Francisco
5 Embarcadero Center
San Francisco, CA 94111
(415) 788-1234

Make your reservation by July 24, 2015 and mention the LIMRA LOMA Social Media Conference for Financial Services conference in order to receive the group rate of $249 single/double plus applicable sales tax.) A set number of rooms are available at the group rate until July 24, 2015 or until the group block is sold out, whichever comes first.  While LIMRA works hard to secure a sufficient number of rooms, we cannot guarantee rooms will be available. Please make your reservation early to take advantage of our discounted group rate.

 The group guest rate will be offered three days prior and three days after the meeting dates and subject to availability of rooms at the time of your reservation. Reservations must be guaranteed with a major credit card.

Become a Sponsor or Exhibitor

Premier Sponsor and Exhibitor Opportunities Now Available!  

Connect With Key Prospects

This conference is your opportunity to meet hundreds of executives and practitioners responsible for developing the Social Media strategies in the insurance and financial services industries.

Keynote Speaker Sponsorship

Sponsorship includes

Exhibitor Booth: $4,800 (add $1,000 after June 19, 2015)  


Two complimentary conference registrations (total valued at $2,290) are included with each display reserved. Additional staff members can register at the member rate of $1,145 per person before July 14, 2014. After July 14, 2014, an additional $100 will be added to the registration fee. The exhibiting organization may elect to register additional staff members at any time prior to the conference.

The Exhibit area will be host to a reception on Wednesday evening, breakfast each morning, and extended breaks on Thursday and Friday. As an exhibitor, your organization will receive:

Gold Sponsorship - $15,000 

Sponsor Showcase Workshop

Continental Breakfast

Silver Sponsorship - $10,000 

Refreshment Break Sponsor (4 available)

Wifi Access 

Conference Bag

Conference Materials in Attendee Package - $3,000 

Provide us with your branded item(s) and we will stuff them into the attendee packets. You can provide pens, pads, Post-It Notes, luggage tags or highlighters. If you have an item that is not listed that you would like to provide, please contact us to discuss directly.

To create a sponsorship or exhibitor packages that will suit your business needs, please contact:

Jim Haggerty at 770-984-6448 or email

Sponsors and Exhibitors

Platinum Sponsor

Strategic Partner Sponsors

Showcase Sponsors

Contact us to learn more:

Joan O'Neil

Senior Conference Coordinator


(860) 285-7741

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