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Meeting the Needs of a Diverse Marketplace

Two-Day Program - Marketing Discipline

2019年8月20日 - 2019年8月21日
Hartford/Windsor Marriott Airport, Windsor, CT



This program is designed for:

  • Leaders at all levels, in all roles, who would like to expand their understanding of how to foster diversity and inclusion in their team and organization
  • Leaders at all levels with responsibility for attracting and managing diverse talent, and for reaching consumers in today’s diverse marketplace
  • Senior leaders with responsibility for diversity and inclusion initiatives


  • Strengthen your understanding of the characteristics and needs of the new consumer (a must in today’s changing environment) through a leadership lens.
  • Explore how to create and foster a culture that embraces the changing audiences for our industry’s products and services
  • Use marketplace trends and business cases determine how ethnic, gender, and generational/lifestyle diversity impact engagement with talent and consumers.
  • Understand how to leverage technology and diversity of people effectively
  • Develop best practices and a detailed action plan to address these issues in your own organization

The marketplace for financial services is changing rapidly, with women, millennials, and multi-cultural markets making up more than 75% of our customer base.  At the same time, increases in the use of technology and the diversity of people who engage with customers are two of the most critical factors that business leaders must manage effectively. Leaders need a deep understanding of the changing marketplace and workforce in order to gain a competitive advantage.  And, attracting and retaining diverse talent and leveraging technology in order to be sustainable for the long term is an important focus for leaders in functions throughout the organization. This session will focus on developing a practical approach to understanding and serving growing diverse market segments, while embracing technology as a part of your strategy.

The faculty will share an approach that equips leaders to adapt to the rapidly changing environment and prepare the organization for tomorrow and participants will walk away with increased knowledge of growth opportunities as well as a tactical approach to take advantage of these opportunities.  Attendees do not need a background in distribution or marketing or be tech-savvy to benefit from this session.


  • Expand your knowledge of diversity and changing trends — addressing new technology and its impact on serving customers in our industry.
  • Gain an in-depth understanding of why diverse talent has become a business imperative.
  • Learn best practices to prepare for engaging, attracting and retaining diverse talent and consumers.
  • Craft a detailed action plan that includes short-term and long-term goals and business impact.



Tariq Khan
Founder and CEO, Global Diversity Marketing, Inc.
Adjunct Professor, Marketing and Leadership, New York University

Tariq Khan

Founder and CEO, Global Diversity Marketing, Inc.
Adjunct Professor, Marketing and Leadership, New York University

Tariq Khan is a recognized global business leader and sought after speaker on changing market trends, customer relationships, agency growth, social media services, and diversity and inclusion. He founded Global Diversity Marketing, Inc., a management consulting firm focused on helping organizations better understand the changing marketplace. He is best known for his thought leadership, leading corporate diversity initiatives while creating the business case for diversity and inclusion. Khan has traveled around the globe and has developed, supported, and managed the largest and most diverse sales force in the financial services industry.
Mark Hug, FSA, MAAA
Senior Advisor, Global Diversity Marketing

Mark Hug, FSA, MAAA

Senior Advisor, Global Diversity Marketing

Mark Hug is a Senior Advisor with Global Diversity Marketing and a recognized leader in the life insurance industry over the last three decades. He has held senior leadership roles in global industry companies, including Transamerica, Aetna, AXA, and Prudential. While with Prudential as Executive Vice President and Chief Marketing Officer, Mark was named one of Forbes’ 50 Most Influential Global CMOs of 2014. In this role, one of his focus areas was to bring financial services marketing and distribution to underserved cultures in the United States.


Tuition Rates:
LIMRA or LOMA Member: $2,400.00
Nonmember: $4,800.00

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