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WINDSOR, Conn., April 6, 2016—In response to the Department of Labor’s (DOL) final fiduciary rule published today, LIMRA LOMA Secure Retirement Institute is developing a number of resources to help financial services companies adapt to the new fiduciary rule.

“The Institute was established to offer relevant and insightful retirement research and education for every sector of the retirement market.  We know this rule is a transformational event for our members and the industry and we want to help you respond to this new reality,” said Robert Kerzner president and CEO, LIMRA, LOMA and LL Global.  “Over the next weeks and months we will host several events, where industry leaders tasked with implementation can share their ideas and perspectives on the challenges created by the DOL fiduciary rule.  These events will facilitate collaboration across the retirement market to find industry-wide solutions.”

Planned events:

LIMRA Secure Retirement Institute will deploy its research resources to support companies’ efforts to respond to the new fiduciary rule.  Included in its 2016 research agenda, Institute also is conducting a series of studies to help our members understand the impact of this rule on the market and learn how other companies are responding:

  1. DOL Viewpoint Surveys:  A series of surveys of asset managers, retirement plan services providers, distributors and advisors to track how they plan to adapt to the new requirements around the DOL rule. 
  2. Industry Impact Assessment – Pre-DOL rule: An analysis of the state of the industry today (sales, distribution, marketing) in order to monitor the impact of the rule.  This research was not done when other markets (UK, Australia, Netherlands) instituted fiduciary rules.  The Institute believes it will be tremendously important to demonstrate the effect of the rule in the future. 

LOMA Secure Retirement Institute is creating a range of training programs to meet the different needs of home office employees and producers:

“We have established a one-stop, user-friendly microsite offering the latest news and insights on the final DOL rule,” noted Kerzner.  “As the Institute publishes research and issue papers, develops training and announces Town Halls and other events, the information will be highlighted on the microsite (”


About LIMRA LOMA Secure Retirement Institute  

The LIMRA LOMA Secure Retirement Institute provides comprehensive, unbiased research and education about all aspects within the retirement industry to improve retirement readiness and promote retirement security.  For information on the LIMRA LOMA Secure Retirement Institute, visit:

Media Contacts

Catherine Theroux

Director, Public Relations

Work Phone: (860) 285-7787

Mobile Phone: (703) 447-3257

Brooke Lacey

Senior Public Relations Specialist

Work Phone: (860) 298-3920

Mobile Phone: (413) 530-6184

Bailey Stover

Public Relations/Social Media Specialist

Work Phone: (770) 984-3788

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