How does it work?
You can send us a request for proposal at any time, or simply call us with your research question. We can develop a proposal to address your needs and work with you to ensure it meets your budgetary and resource requirements. Throughout the process, we partner with you to make sure the study provides the information you need to meet your research objectives.
LIMRA provides a full range of research services, from questionnaire design, focus group discussion development, to data collection, analysis, and reporting implications. We offer a truly customized approach to fit your needs and goals.
What kind of research projects do you work on?
LIMRA has experienced qualitative and quantitative researchers. Our staff members are trained in a variety of research methods including focus group moderation, one-on-one in-depth interviewing, and survey design (for online, mail, and telephone). We are trained to conduct a wide range of statistical analyses including regression path, conjoint, and segmentation analyses. We have applied these methods to projects as varied as: consumer decision-making, producer needs, and product concept testing.
LIMRA also provides research synthesizing. If you find you do not have the time to digest and interpret the volumes of research reports that cross your desk, LIMRA researchers can review all of those reports and synthesize them into a concise report that summarizes key findings and implications.
What’s the advantage of working with LIMRA?
Our industry focus and member company access gives us a perspective and understanding unmatched by other firms. When you choose LIMRA for your research project, you know you’re getting research experts with a wealth of industry experience.
Who sees the results of my project?
Because custom research falls outside of your membership dues and is performed with your needs in mind, you will be the only one with access to the results of your study. We will work closely with you to help you understand the results and what it means for your company. Also, at no time will LIMRA announce to others the specific projects we have worked on for your company.
Does LIMRA handle all data collection themselves?
LIMRA will sometimes subcontract telephone interviews and large-scale mail surveys to trusted data collection firms. LIMRA does have its own online survey capabilities and has managed customer and policyholder surveys for clients. Although LIMRA does not always handle data collection, we work closely with the vendors to ensure the highest quality work.
Why is there a fee if I’m a LIMRA member?
Member benefits research studies are studies intended to benefit a wide contingency of LIMRA member companies. Custom research projects are designed specifically for your research needs and, thus, fall outside of your member benefits. This fee is similar to what you would pay to another research vendor to conduct a proprietary study.
Who moderates your focus groups?
Our in-house moderators, with over 50 years of combined experience, are not only research experts but also subject matter experts. These moderators will manage the entire project for you, from developing screeners and discussion guides, to making arrangements with facilities and reporting results.