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We can help you achieve your business objectives by developing more top performers. Read how others are benefiting from our programs.

Improving Sales Results for a Large Affiliated Agency

An independent financial services agency affiliated with a large national life insurance company approached us. The agency leader knew his 150 sales representatives could do better.

A group of sales professionals from the agency completed the Trustworthy Selling training program. The program equips participants with the skills needed to engage today’s distracted consumers and quickly establish trust.

BIRT Analysis Results
Training participants averaged a 27% increase in policies, a 31% increase in new clients, and an 18% increase in premium written in the three months after training compared with the three months prior to training. During the same time period, sales reps from the agency who did not attend the training registered only a 3% increase in policies, a 1% increase in new clients, and a 2% increase in premiums written. The company realized a 173% return on its investment.

Note: This study was chosen by the Association for Talent Development (ATD) (formerly ASTD) and the ROI Institute for inclusion in their 2013 publication Measuring the Success of Sales Training

Growing Sales at an Independent Hybrid Company

A company needed to improve sales results for independent agents primarily affiliated with it.

Fifty of the independent agents completed the Trustworthy Selling training program, equipping them with new skills to grow sales by engaging today’s distracted consumers and establishing trust quickly.

BIRT Analysis Results
Both the company and LIMRA conducted independent analyses comparing results for agents who completed the training and a group of agents who did not. The two groups were recruited during the same time span and had access to the same products and support. We found that training participants increased their sales 90% compared to non-participants. Using a different method of calculating ROI, the company reported an 81% advantage for training participants.

Retaining More Successful Agents at a National Firm with Affiliated and Independent Sales Forces

The new head of Recruiting and Development for a Canadian insurer came to us with a problem: the company was losing too many good producers. The leader had evaluated every aspect of the company’s recruiting, onboarding, and development program. The leader observed that the company’s recruiting and onboarding systems were strong, but they had no programs at the 13-month mark to impact what they called “the moveable middle.” These “lost soldiers” were struggling to break through to the next level and many were leaving in year 2.

Five years later, the company continues to deliver the program and the leader is pleased to report the program grows productivity for second-year producers and delivers higher retention rates.

Year Retention Rate
1st 77%
2nd 84%
3rd 96%

And there was a bonus for our client: the leader has been given even greater responsibilities.

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