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Carriers’ Views: Distribution Trends in Workplace Benefits
Discover what carriers across the workplace benefits ecosystem had to say about the future of technology investments, distribution channels, benefits funding and much more.
LOMA Celebrates 100 Years: The Value to Our Members
Since 1924, LOMA has been supporting industry professionals through professional development, networking and more. Learn how you can benefit from your membership.
Young Adults: Life Insurance Needs a Human Connection
Of more than 102 million Americans who say they need life insurance or more coverage, Gen Z Adults and Millennials make up 54 million. How can we help close the coverage gap?
Changing of the Guard: Life Insurance in Asia
To prepare for the great wealth transfer in Asia in the next 10 years, how must insurance agents and financial professionals transform to meet future generations’ needs?
Broker-Dealers: Adapting to The Retirement Security Rule
LIMRA surveyed over 300 registered representatives of broker-dealers about the proposed new rule and how it would impact various aspects of their work. Find out what they had to say.
Meeting the Need for Mental Health Benefits at Work
Mental health benefits are a hot topic, but there isn’t a one-size-fits-all solution. Read on to better understand the types of challenges workers are facing and what benefits they desire.
LIMRA Annual Conference: The State of the Industry
As we look forward to LIMRA’s Annual Conference, David Levenson, president and CEO of LIMRA and LOMA, shares six meaningful opportunities for our industry.
Winning Results: Elevating Performance to Extraordinary
Measurement and metrics are important to winning in both sports and business. See which financial professionals are most productive and what executives are doing to drive growth.
Insights & Trends
Check out additional research from LIMRA on life insurance, annuities and workplace benefits. Also find LOMA Information Center briefs and quick queries on a variety of topics.
The AI Surge: A Game Changer for Life Insurance
Many expect that artificial intelligence (AI) will reshape the life insurance industry. See how various stakeholders might leverage AI.
Life Insurance: Protecting 1.4 Billion People in India
India’s economy and life insurance market are growing fast. What is driving this growth, and what do carriers need to keep in mind to position for success?
Universal APIs: Integrate, Simplify and Modernize
Digital transformation, artificial intelligence and generative AI are all changing how we work. What do carriers need to do to ensure long-term success across the industry?
Advisors to Record Keepers: ‘Stay in Your Lane’
Financial advisors and DC record keepers must tread a fine line as they work to meet participants’ needs seamlessly. Discover the secrets to finding that balance.
Benefits and Challenges: DC Plans Evolve, Part 2
As more workers depend on DC plans to partially fund their retirement, learn how plans are changing to better serve workers’ needs in the conclusion of this two-part article.
Small Business: Hot Market for Benefits Providers
Read on to understand why small businesses present a significant opportunity for benefits providers, and what carriers, brokers and others must do to land this business.