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2016 LIMRA LOMA Social Business Conference For Financial Services Explores Social Media Impact on Business


WINDSOR, Conn., July 14, 2016 — A new LIMRA study reports that 82 percent of financial professionals use social media to market themselves and their businesses.  Once viewed by companies and advisors as a compliance headache, the use of social media has quickly evolved into becoming an essential tool to prospect for new clients and strengthen relationships with current ones.

Social media as an advisory strategy will be a featured session at the 2016 LIMRA LOMA Social Business Conference for Financial Services scheduled August 17–19, 2016 in Boston, MA. 

This year’s Social Business conference will focus on connecting with and engaging consumers, and will explore the innovative and disruptive ideas that challenge today’s financial services world. Content will emphasize the best forward-thinking social practices, emerging technologies, social recruiting tools, and compliance issues.

Conference highlights include:   

During the conference, LIMRA and LOMA will present the Fourth Annual #SilverBowlAwards for excellence in the use of social media in financial services. New this year, after the ceremony award winners and finalists in each category will be available in breakout sessions to discuss their entries and take questions from the group.

Social is changing the way we do business. This year’s conference (hashtag: #LLSBC) brings together business leaders who have successfully harnessed the power of social within their respective divisions, to share their challenges and success. Attendees can look forward to this unique forum for sharing ideas and innovation.

To register for the 2016 LIMRA LOMA Social Business Conference for Financial Services this infographic provides an overview and links to hotel information, agenda and more.


About LIMRA  

Since 1916, LIMRA, a worldwide research, learning and development organization, has been the trusted source of industry knowledge, helping more than 850 insurance and financial services companies in 64 countries.

About LOMA  

Established in 1924, with 1,200 plus member companies in over 80 countries, LOMA is committed to a business partnership with its worldwide members in the insurance and financial services industry to improve their management and operations through quality employee development, research, information sharing, and related products and services. To find out more about LOMA and the learning opportunities it offers, visit LOMA’s website at

Media Contacts

Catherine Theroux

Director, Public Relations

Work Phone: (860) 285-7787

Mobile Phone: (703) 447-3257

Brooke Lacey

Senior Public Relations Specialist

Work Phone: (860) 298-3920

Mobile Phone: (413) 530-6184

Bailey Stover

Public Relations/Social Media Specialist

Work Phone: (770) 984-3788

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