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Research And More

LIMRA and LOMA provide a wealth of services for today’s actuaries. This page links you to these helpful resources:

  • Research reports and articles
  • Peer forums
  • Professional development programs

LIMRA and LOMA conduct research in areas directly supporting actuarial knowledge and decision-making, including our research partnership with the Society of Actuaries. We work together to provide you with current data related to actuarial experience for life, health, and annuity lines of business. We can also accelerate your industry knowledge and on-the-job effectiveness with conferences, peer forums, and professional development programs developed by industry experts.

Product Development

Combination Products

2024 Insurance Barometer Study

The Insurance Barometer is an annual study that tracks the perceptions, attitudes, and behaviors of adult consumers in the United States, with a particular focus on life insurance. Now available — Report 2: Reaching New Life Insurance Buyers and Modernizing Life Insurance Infographic.

2023 Canadian Life Insurance Barometer

The Canadian Insurance Barometer is a study that tracks the perceptions, attitudes, and behaviors of consumers in Canada, with a particular focus on life insurance.

Securing the Future

New data from the 2024 Insurance Barometer Study — 42% of American adults say they need (or need more) life insurance, representing a life insurance need-gap for about 102 million adults.



Upcoming Related Events

Study Groups and Committees

Education and Training

Strategic Leadership

Engage new thinking, new skills, and new capabilities for today's leaders.

Underwriting short online courses

Taking underwriters to the next level, this series of short online courses covers over 200+ topics (medical, non-medical, and financial risks) in all areas of underwriting, and has been carefully designed to complement LOMA courses as well as the FALU designation.

Underwriting Life and Health Insurance (UND 386)

UND 386 introduces risk assessment principles applied to underwriting individual and group life and health insurance, including specialized policies and supplemental coverages.

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