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Learn how you can debunk the 10 common misconceptions about retirement that your clients may have. 


Myths and misconceptions get in the way of planning for a secure retirement. This report debunks 10 commonly circulated and widely believed myths. We provide key facts and a game plan to help your company and advisors guide people to better retirement planning. The ten myths and misconceptions we help you tackle include:

  • “I won’t live that long.”
  • “I’ll keep working and never retire,” or “I’ll retire when I want to.”
  • “Medicare will take care of health and long-term care costs in retirement.”
  • “Annuities are bad investments.”

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Must See Video

Retirement myth: I’ll die before I have to worry.

Show people the need to plan for a long life — because they may have one.

Retirement myth: I’ll just keep working.

Help people understand why they may not be able to count on working after they reach retirement age.

Retirement myth: Medicare covers that.

Give people clarity about paying for health and long-term care costs.

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